Plugins Airmail

Your inbox is sacred. Our inboxes are throwaway.
use click to copy

Plugins for ProjeQtOr.

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How temporary email works?
  1. Frequently Read Articles. Plugins - Airmail for macOS; Two Step/Factor Authentication - Airmail for macOS; Themes - Airmail for macOS; Rules in Airmail - Airmail for macOS.
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When you register to the service, we give you a temporary email address, use this temporary email when registering to untrusted web sites. This way the site will send spam to your temporary email address, while your real address stays safe.

Introduction to temp mail services.

nada is a temp mail or temporary email service, as such it enables the use of temporary addresses which users can copy paste why registering to untrusted websites.


Plugins Airmail App

In which cases you should not use temp mail?

Don't use our service for important stuff. That means anything you will be really sorry about if this inbox stops working or doesn't receive incoming mails. Do not use this service for banking, buying cryptocurrencies, registering to services you use daily and anything use will need later really.

Is my anonymity guaranteed

We do every effort to protect your anonymity and do not collect or log any personal details. However, do not use or abuse this service for illegal activities. This service is for personal use only and for legal use only, please read the terms and conditions carefully before using it.

Temporary email, great, but for how long?

Mailboxes are not deleted and can be used for as long as the domain is active. We do recycle domains from time to time and will give you a notice of one month before we do, make sure you transfer your inbox to a new domain before we shut down the old one. Individual messages are deleted after 7 days.

Who are we?

We are the original creators of AirMail service, which as of today processed more than 2 billion email messages.We know how to operate a temporary email service and give our users complete privacy and anonymity and keep their inboxes safe from unwanted emails.